Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is It Love? Or Is It Looks?

It's been a while since I said hi...

When you pick a partner, is it based on looks, or compatibility? Or both? Do you need someone who looks like Halle Berry or Beyonce? Or you want someone that talks like Michelle Obama, dresses like Kim Kardashian, (however ever you spell her name), and as a bonus can sing like Mariah Carey?
To be real, that is asking for someone that does not exist, because we are all made under God's eyes. Whether you believe in God or not, you parents were brought together by him, and he ensured that you were made a certain way. So if you were supposed to be a chubby baby, do not do weight watchers and end up like Jennifer Hudson or Raven Symone, or worse, Star Jones, people that were hit by the image of Hollywood, claim that they lost weight to be healthy, but they are now barely even wearing sizes that fit the shape of their body, simply because their body has little to no shape. I am not saying they are not beautiful, but we know that society expects certain standards from the people willing to take the risk and either raise their kids in a place filled with toxicity, or people dumb enough to do what it takes to be noticed, fall in love, and hope he does not leave you...

A bit off track, but I really want to know if looks matter or is it personality? Is he smart, can he cook? Does he like to travel and try new places to eat? Is he picky when it comes to how he dresses, whom he lets himself talk to, is he Baptist? Catholic? Does he believe in God and is he ambitious? There are so many things that we can ask the person we want to be with, but what are your thoughts?
Was choosing based on culture? Was it an arranged marriage? Was it for papers or you knew that they were it for you?
If traits mean more than looks, I think you stand a better chance of making it because you can have a Kardashian, gorgeous body, great hair, nice skin, but she could also be the dumbest person you ever met, and has no idea how to cook, clean, let alone drive if she was "catered" to as a child..You might want a Beyonce type, works hard, has a 10-15 year plan for her life, educated, has good morals and values, and is not letting society tell her what to do...And she did it right, she followed her plan, and it got her where she is. A good guy, finally expecting her first child, she is a music legend, and the world knows her as the woman who never gives up, but keeps going.

Anyway, I think you can have both, traits and looks, just be practical about both of them and remember there are things about yourself that are not so perfect but it is what you have in your heart that matters, and how you use your head.
Just some thoughts that have been with me for a few weeks.

Until next time:

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