Thursday, June 16, 2011

Accomplishments, Achievements, and Awesomeness

So I had a conversation with a friend today about how unfair life can be and she ranted, I lectured, she got upset, I listened and though we are at least 5 years apart, and she has already graduated and so forth, she is older but there are still so many things that we have in common, that is why we are best friends, and I love her. I would do anything for her, and she for me.

Anyway, so she is a hustler, she is an amazing talented woman with so much passion, drive, and dedication, and she works blood sweat and tears to make ends meet. She deserves everything and anything, yet, God has her waiting, and waiting, and waiting still. I won't say all the personal, but she feels like God has given up on her, and I told her that is not true. God is teaching us the purpose of patience and understanding true value. God sees all that we do, and he does not neglet us no matter how much we think otherwise. I know I have been through my share of issues and obstacles, but they have made me a stronger woman, and even though I do not pray everyday or read my bible everyday, or make it to church every Sunday, I know that God knows me, he knows my heart, and he knows where I am, and as long as I know that he has forgiven me for when I sin, and I accept my failures, I know that I am okay and loved by the greatest man ever. So my one true love, is God. He won't leave me when things go bad, he will never curse me when I make a mistake, he won't hit me, slap me, or sell me to his friends or enemies because I do not do as he says, God has unconditional love which is so strong that no man can ever match that. We ALL struggle but as long as we know to get back up and thank God for watching over us, we will be fine. (I know you know I am right)

I told my friend not to lose hope and said even though it feels ike you do not have anything to know that she has God. What we go through shapes us as a person, our mentality is strengthen, our decision making skills are advanced, and we learn where ever we are, school, in a relationship, everything we encounter in life teaches us a lesson and we become better people through that.

I have done a lot in my lifetime, but the past two years do not make me what I am, they do not define me, but the lessons I learned are what gave me the ability to stand tall and say, "I made it through". I hope other people can relate. I never finished school, I do not have a full time job, I am using my talents to keep me occupied. I am writing two books, I manage my own website and I blog. I play soccer, and I enjoy being around family, I love to travel, cook, and I enjoy keeping myself together, I have also learned to love the skin within. I have my own personal accomplishments and nobody can tell me different because they have not walked in my shoes. None of us have the same story, but we have all fallen at some times in our lives, and as long as we get back up, that is the best accomplishent, achievement, and yes, it is awesome when you can say, "I did that, I am proud of where I am". And yes, I am proud. So to my friend, please, keep your head up, stand strong, opportunities are endless and though you may feel God is giving up on you, please remember that he does answer prayers! ALL THE TIME!!!

I love you, God bless, and keep being awesome
Gyfted Artyst

Shades of Brown, & Everything Else!!!!!!!!

I wrote a poem on this a year or so ago and it was inspired by a clip from Tyra Banks show. She had displayed young African American girls and their mothers and it talked about skin color and why we dark skin girls are trying to be lighter. I for one will admit when I was young I wanted the long wavy hair, nice smooth skin, the nice body, etc. And yes over years I had weaves, clip ins, extensions, you name it, I had it. But I have gotten older and much wiser, (in some areas) and I fully believe that beauty is within. I am learning to love my own skin, accept the marks on my body, I am understanding what works best for my body, colors, shades, and how to dress for my height, personality, etc. It is not easy, but it is possible. I do enjoy trying new things, so once in a while I might document an outfit from a function to show you how us short people get down!!!!!!!! I will attach some of my work on here as well so you can really get to know me as an artyst.

I love my skin, I am now treating it with respect, and I encourage all girls to do the same.
Never doubt who you are, and never let someone convince you that your not beautiful. Because you are!
Gyfted Artyst