Saturday, June 18, 2011

Good Morning! Not So Great News!!!!!!!

So though I was born in Zambia, I was raised in Canada, and very often feel very disconnected from home. I love my country, I am proud of who I am, but I still often wonder, how different would my life be if I had stayed back home? I would know the language, I would have been taught differently, education is a lot more structured, and I would have come about things differently. However, that is and was not the case.

My parents brought us to Canada when I was a year and a half. They wanted better opportunities for themselves as well as for their children. My mother won a scholarship to study so she took it and we moved! I grew up in Canada, so I am familiar with how things are done. In some sense. But one thing I wish I had kept was learning and staying in touch with family, and keeping up with current events.
So last night I read statuses on FB and I discover that my former Zambian President died. I attached a link, but it is sad to know that he has passed. Although I am not around to see the work being done, I am not a fan of politics, I pass my respects to the family a will keep them in my prayers. Every country goes through it's own trials and tribulations but regardless, we all stand proud. I pray the family makes it through and I ask that you keep the former presidents family in your prayers, and to also remember to stay in touch with family, and to stay updated on current events. Knowing what goes on outside of your own world means you care and are not so wrapped up in your own world. I am learning that there is life outside of mine and I am determined to make sure I pay my respects where ever I am.
Feel free to read the link attached it talks about the death and what happened.
More to come later today!


1 comment:

Amina said...

Sometimes I wonder too how my life would have turned out if I had stayed in Mauritius where I was born. Why did my parents have to leave paradise off the coast of Africa? They traded in family, beaches, tropical food and a vibrant culture for opportunity and something we'd never seen before ... snow! Likely I'd be married to some Mauritian dude with a nice house, family, career and having a blast with all my cousins. All the familiar stuff. Thing is I wouldn't have had the richness of experience I have had by growing up in Canada ... meeting so many people of so many backgrounds. Learning from each one. I wouldn't have adopted the two most amazing Canadian kids. I wouldn't have a great church family like EBC or the friends I've grown close too ... like, hey I wouldn't have met YOU! So I've stopped wondering and now I'm just proud to be a dual citizen: Mauritian-Canadian. That's who I am.