Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fake To Make It

We all do it. Well, for those that have admitted it, we have faked it to make it. Nobody wants to be left alone, nobody likes going places on their  own, okay, some people might, but have you ever really asked a person if they were really happy being on their own?

Not having a partner, or friend or a lover by their side? Some people never get married they just date because they don't want commitment, but they don't want to be alone. So they do the whole friends with benefits package. That's not my style. I believe in commitment because I have watched a lot of relationships, and marriages succeed.

There are days I don't like being alone, and days when I prefer being alone. The days I don't like being alone are when people move away to start over, or people go on a trip and are gone for a month or so. I say this because for the first time in a long time my sister took her first trip on her own. She's gone for a month. I've traveled lots of times before and am used to traveling, but I now know what it feels like to come home to an empty house, or an empty room. Yes, sob sob, I am dealing with it. Of course I miss my sister, but I don't want to depend on her to be happy. Which is why I do encourage people to be okay being on their own before settling down because once you make that choice, you can't turn back.

Now, when people ask me if I miss someone, there are times when I try to 'pretend' because I don't want to show signs of being weak. But it's not about being weak, it's about being honest. Yes I miss the person I spend hours talking to at night, or yes I miss the person I shop with sometimes, or eat out with sometimes. But should I fake it so people don't think I will fall apart? No, I keep going. When I was in England for three months, my sister had to learn a lot on her own. Like braiding her hair. I wasn't there so she had to get it done. She survived me not being there, but it was hard for her, just like it's hard for me, but God sees us through it all. That's one thing I know is true. Faking is lying. It isn't right, but everyone has their own reasons because in this world, we still get judged for the choices we make, places we go, who we hang out with, etc. Though the only person that can judge is God, we have to remember that he knows that we are faking it. He knew I missed my sister even though I tried to play it cool and tough. We all do it so survive, but is it worth it?

Being real is better than being fake and I know that acting differently in order to "fit in" makes things worse. Do what you love, we owe nothing to each other, just live your life.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"We Fall Down" But We Get Back Up (Donnie McClurkin Song Title)

I decided to attend Poetry Night. I haven't gone in maybe four months because things were becoming too different, and I didn't fit it. When Speak was at Gingers, I felt like I was a part of a family. I remember my first night on stage. I was sooo nervous, but they took me in. The diversity, the culture, the way they hugged me and smiled at me, yes, it made me feel like I mattered, and that I was important. We all want to feel like we mean something to someone, or that we matter to a project, or a company. I've worked in companies where I was treated very badly. My lack of education and "no sense of direction" told my boss that I wasn't good enough. But I wasn't strong enough to stand up for my self. There are days when I am still too weak to defend my self, but I know now that I am my worst enemy, and I am not letting mys elf be scared anymore. Even though Speak has a different crowd, and some of the diversity is gone, it does not mean that it should stay that way. We can change things and make them ten times better. With work, and a strong team of dedicated passionate poets, anything is possible.
A friend of mine has been pushing me for so long to do what I love, but fear has held me back for years. I fear not being good enough, and no being liked, I fear not being seen for my style of writing. I don't write my poems like this, if you've read my work, you would know. Some maybe, but not all.
But this one person, every time I talk to them, I am encouraged to write again, but once I begin, the inner thoughts tell me I am not good enough, when I know for a fact, I am amazing. People have todl me, and I know that I have what it takes.

So I encourage you to show some love and support for a fellow writer/poet and the Company House tomorrow night on Gottingen Street, with all the strength I have, I am getting up on stage. Just pray I do not get nervous, it's been a while!
Time: 8:30-11:30
Bring 5 bucks
And an open mind


Can't Touch This

I stumbled upon this article the other day, and I knew how this person felt. I do not mind people asking about my hair, but do NOT, just grab my hair and pretend it belongs to you. That hair is physically attached to my head, and the last time I checked, it is not on display for some white person to just touch on his/her own free will.

There, (phew, got out the anger, now to focus on the blog. lol)

The one job where I worked was my first job, that's when my hair struck up conversation.
"Is that your real hair? Can I touch it? It feels like sheeps wool." I showed up to work with my hair in a weave, and my co-workers asked to see what my real hair looked like, on the floor of the shop. I mean, honestly, I'm not some display where a person is situated, and you peek under to see what the real hair is, how it is sewed in, glued in, like really people??? I am human, if you want to know just ask without touching, or asking to touch. I like my space and it doesn't mean I am being rude but it is my body. It is OUR body that you feel you can handle without care.
All races use fake hair in their own hair. White people like volume and length, different colors etc, so they added clip-on's or hair pieces for ponytails. so they can add something. When I was a kid, I had cornrows growing up, than into junior high and high school, weaves, extensions, hair pieces, a wig or two, my styles were always different. There were times I had my real hair out, short, permed, straightened, curled, as long as it looked good and I could rock it I had no problems. But some people always had something to say. People will always comment, just learn to ignore it and live your own life.

Now I am very comfy in my own skin. I've rocked and an Afro, but I only do extensions because weaves make me feel limited. I think the world has accepted that we people of color whether Asian, Hispanic, Black Nova Scotian, etc, we know who we are and do not need fake hair to feel good, we wear it to help our own hair grow. That's why I wear braids. To help my hair grow.
(Correct me if I have made a mistake)
Everyone in this world is different and I encourage you to read up on African/Black history. You will be amazed. I need to brush up, it's been a while, I have over ten book I need to read, started lots but never finished.

hair is a sign of strength for Blacks and African Americans. What is your strength?


Live/Laugh, But Most Importantly, Learn

Life is all about learning. I learn new things about myself all the time. I know most people see an angry version of me, but there is a happy version of me. I try really hard to walk the walk AND talk the talk, but things get in the way and we often get thrown off track, as long as you get back up again, no worries right?
I laugh when things are funny, I smile when I'm happy, and when I'm upset, well, I blog about it but I share my feelings. Or I do my best to. I do not hide behind my computer, I am just home a lot and I enjoy spending time on my laptop, looking up different things, watching movies I'd never watch, shows I miss when I am out, I live at home so I help out a lot. Cleaning, cooking, whatever needs to be done, I make sure I achieve the goals for the day. I am learning to help out because my parents should not have to do it if I am home. One thing I see now is that maybe I am not supposed to be working. It may sound bad, but I see it as an opportunity to spend time on things I normally cannot do if I was working 35-40 hours a week. You get up early, spend an hour getting ready, leave for work, you spend 8 hours getting done what you can, than some days you have other events that you help out with, meetings, maybe a friend wants to see a movie, or go for coffee, or you have errands to run. That's a lot on a person. And some would say that's life, but that life can make a person so tired you want to sleep in on the weekends, and forget everything else. And think if the person was in school, and working, and still doing other events, it's a lot to do, and you get home and you still have to have supper, clean up, and plan the next few days, you don't have time to write, like I want to, and right now, I really need that.  So the way I see it, God is blessing me by and telling me to take in the time I have right now because some jobs are so demanding they require overtime, and bringing work home, (Not on my watch) Yeah, no. I don't even mind working part-time. That's how serious I am about doing what I love. I want to be a professional play writer and I am determined to make it happen!

It takes me a long time to really see what God is trying to say. I have trouble listening and that is not good. I do my best, like I always say, but there are times when I really forget to listen and God throws signs in front of me to a point where I can't ignore. Like some signs this year that sent sent were to keep braiding because it makes you happy. I was braiding mostly on the weekends when I was still working, but by the first week of Feb, I was a free woman. (Unemployed) It felt weird not getting up, but I got used to it. I job hunted like crazy, I used all my resources, but things weren't changing. I Had to learn a new way. And that's all I've been doing. Learning a new way live my life. From the way I eat, to how I dress, to the way I talk, text, move, where I go, if finding a man won't work at Poetry night, try at a soccer game, or maybe go on a trip, and find a guy on a plane. (I found a guy in an airport...Didn't go far but the point is it happened where I least expected it.)

So you can find what you just keep your options and your eyes open and listen to God.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chivarly Is Not Dead

It is so easy to hate something. And hate for a long time. I know these days people often give up when things in life do not go there way, or you get tempted to do what you know is wrong, but you do it anyway, than you find out you lost something great, (Yeah I watch too much TV, and do not read my bible enough, guilty as charged) You blame the world for whats wrong instead of dealing with your problems (thx for the tweets sis).

I am starting to see, in a lot of television shows, that relationships, marriages and friendships are being broken, because the drama is more important than showing that love is real. There are hardships like you forget to pay a light bill and there are not lights for a couple of days, you know pay week is around the corner, so instead of losing it on your loved one, simply say, you've had a busy week, things go out of control, you will handle it. And than you follow up with your spouse to say, "I took care of it, here is the receipt, and next month it's your turn. Easier said than done but when you take time out to do these small things, function in the household is a lot easier than chaos and yelling. We don't see how other people are affected by things, we just assume they are fine and go on with our lives.

I watched a couple shows this past week that made me really hate love, as in I wanted to give up saying, "forget love, you don't do anything but cause pain and suffering." I was not having the best couple of days and on and off, my mind goes down memory lane and I think about my past and it distracts me from the present. I got involved with someone whom I thought things would work out, but after a few months he started to change and get very controlling and obsessive about things. We fought more than we should have, and this was just the friendship part. We never made it farther because I started feeling stressed and less like I mattered to him. So I said goodbye. It was almost a year ago, and I haven't spoken to him since, but the impact and emotional toll it took was what was hard for me to deal with. However, like Maya Angelou says, "Still, I rise"But love is work, happiness is a choice, we choose how to react and we need to learn to pick the battles worth fighting for.
Through all that TV puts us through, we should know better than to engross ourselves in the lives of other people. Our main focus should be on God. I watch too much TV, and read my bible less. I pray everyday, all the time, and I have been getting small signs from God, like the sermon on being a servant for the Lord, do not complain about your last dollar, you will be rewarded for being humble and knowing that what you do pleases God. And the verse about thinking you are invisible and that God cannot see you when you are sinning, he sees and hears every thought.

I hope you enjoy your Sunday, God Bless, and smile.
I'd also like to say R.I.P Amy Winehouse who passed away yesterday from a drug overdose.


Loved By Those That Matter

I am loved by those that matter

Those that matter, know me the best
they see me cry, they see me smile, and they know that in life things take a while
Those that matter, wish me the best
They've seen me fall, they have picked me up, they have had my back, and don't give up
Those that matter, love me regardless
They defend my name, they never stay the same, they sacrifice money, food, and their life
Those that matter, just want me to smile
As long as I am happy, they will go the extra mile

I am loved by those that matter


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Honesty, Does It Really Hurt?

Why do women settle for less?
Why can't a man just be a man and commit?
Why do women let themselves be treated wrong
Why are converastions between men and women typical, and predictable?

Why does a woman have to give in to keep her man?
Why must a man expect a woman to give up on the first date?
Why do men and women assume instead of ask?
Whatever happened to waiting for the woman that makes you lose your breath?
Or waiting for a woman that can cook like your mother, so you have no reason to cheat?
Why cheat when you know you have something amazing by your side?
Why do something stupid to see how great she was when you should have known from the start?

Why have we let society tell us how to be, what to say, what to wear, what's hot what isn't...
Why can't we decide for ourselves?
I have seen relationships come and go, friendships become complicated because the man wants friends with benefits, he is a nice guy, she is smart, he isn't ready to settle, but she doesn't want to be alone.
So she settles because she doesn't want to be alone, but he doesn't see that he is holding her back.
Why can't we demand more from a man that wants to be treated like a man?
Why do men treat women a certain way and than wonder why the woman gets mad?
Its funny, confusing, and definitely not right but yet for years the trend continues.

Men, if you are not ready to settle, why be in a relationship?
Women, if you know you deserve the world, why are you settling for less?
Men, why are you allowing a woman to settle, when you should stand up and say to her, "I'll make an honest woman of you, (I don't mean sleep with her or get her pregnant) I mean do right by her. You would want your son or daughter to be treated right...(Steve Harvey questioned his daughters friend asking, "What are your intentions with my daughter" guy replied. "We are just kicking it" Steve asks, "Does she know you are just kicking it?" And the guy was kicked to the curb for not being real and being honest. Parents want their kids to marry a guy just like their father, and just like their mother, but we have stopped demanding that, and have allowed friends, television, movies, society, magazines etc raise our kids. Why be a parent if you don't have time to talk to your kids about the birds and the bees? Sex before marriage is wrong because it messes you up...(In my opinion), always have strong and good intentions when being around people. Nobody likes to be abused, or disrespected. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Basically, just be honest. Why lie if you know you will get caught? Why cheat if you know she will find out? Honesty takes you farther.

"I'm not ready for marriage right now, I plan to travel a bit, and emotionally, I am not there yet. Maybe in a few years"
See, that wasn't so hard. She may feel her right one is gone, but she knows there are more of you out there so she won't feel as if your the last guy for her.

"I think you are awesome, smart, and we have fun together, but I just got out of a long term relationship and I need to get my head together before I dive into something serious again."

Never rebound so fast, it isn't fair to either, but stay friends, stay in touch, see what happens. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

I'm sure you see what I mean by being honest. I know, easier said than done, but nobody wants to be lied to. Or told one thing and led to believe another. So give it a try, see what happens, you never know, the outcome could be better than you expected. I just observe and write, that's what I do.


Love & Relationships

What attracted you to the one you love, and what traits are important to you for relationship?

The famous question, can men and women just be friends?


So it's been a day since I blogged about my goal for this week.

Let me point out by saying how hard it is to turn things around. I like a challenge because it allows me to think outside t eh box, and lets me be creative and to see a world outside of my own. Often times we keep ourselves locked in a room, (Yes I used to and thats where I get my peace and quiet) and I would do what I have to do. I live behind a computer because that is where I get to write without making mistakes. Computer is where my life is. I don't intentionally live behind a computer it just lets me pour my heart out and I do not get criticized for my thoughts. I'm a quiet/loud person. Lately I've been loud via the internet, but not so much in person. Just a random note to throw out there: I have never felt more liberated. Blogging has let me say things that I don't get to say all the time because I do not see people enough to say them. And timing is everything. I can't just say something for no reason. There has to be a reason to make a statement.

I also want to do a shout out to the guys soccer team. We love you and we know you work hard to win games, last night's loss was unfortunate, but you guys are still a team full of great potential. :)

And to the girls that played last wkd, we have worked so hard the past few months to get where we are, we have fun, but it is also hard to keep smiling when we lose every game. Though we got our first point by getting a tied game, we know that it means we can keep the ball out of our net too. Go Defence :) We won't give up, it's only year one, and no matter what people say about us behind our backs or to our face, we know that we have formed a strong friendship, and a community. I am grateful for those that have taken time out to help us when we practice, offer advice during half time, and are able to coach us. It takes effort, energy, and a lot of patience, and for that we say thank you. We would not be where we are without the support teams. I know our season isn't over, but I wanted to say thanks.

Okay, I'll update you gusy later...I have some things to get off my chest but will wait until I get home!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Updates: Commandment #5

I have decided to the the commandments in a different way, not ignoring the others, just a process Id like to try, and will see what happens in about ten weeks. Yeah, there are ten rules, five God rules, and five earthly rules!

 #1 Honor Thy Mother & Thy Father

Soooo It's day one of my promise of keeping one of the commandments. Let's just say I def need to improve on a lot. It is not easy, I do respect my parents, however I am dealing with a lot of personal issues that hold me back a lot. But today, I will do better, day is not over, and I have time...I am human, and it is a step by step process. Can't rush everything. I thought to myself today about how I felt after one of my tasks, and I said to myself, "Do not be a contradiction or a hypocrite" God is neither of those. He is a humble Man that loved all and sacrificed his life for all, so I should not act like I will be left out in the cold. I believe God will see me through it all. No Turning Back, as  Damita Haddon sings. Love her song, one of my personal favorites.
I love the fact that my sister keeps me in check, I as born backwards, but still, am loved by those that matter.

More updates later!



Contradiction: A statement or proposition that contradicts  or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
So I def contradicted my self in a previous blog. If I trust in God, than I should not fear the amount school may cost, I shouldn't fear how long it will take to graduate, or how long it will take to get a job, or when I find love, if I know God will see me through, than nothing is impossible for him. Thanks to a great friend for pointing that out! I CAN do all things through Christ! Faith, NOT fear!

Say A Little Prayer

Okay, so this job hunt is really hard. I am a pretty strong person. When I put my mind to something I can get it done, but of course this past year I have been distracted. The devil wants me unhappy and miserable and to just cry and give up, but I am not doing either. I haven't cried yet, given up, but yes there are days I have been really unhappy. It's a really hard road to go through but I am not going through it alone. I have lot of support, the only issue is making sure the support knows this is what I want. In life, we are individuals and I am trying to figure out who I am.

So this job hunt thing, such a mess, and I'm literally on the verge of saying, "fine, I'll stay jobless" But I can't. I'm half way through the year, and if school does not work out, I need a full time job. PERIOD!

As DMX sings, "Lord Give Me A Sign" Lord, I'm asking for you to help me out a little bit....I know I haven't been very nice to people or spoken to my family in such nice terms, but God, I'm getting past frustrated and need you to throw more strength and courage my way. It's hard, and all my strength is going into this job hunt by the time I get a job I'll feel too tired to even go to it. I'm a very dedicated person and a hard worker, when I commit to something I stick to it, and I don't stop unless my tasks are finished. But I'm losing my mind because I haven't been able to focus. It hurts, I'm sad more days, and I find my self losing my patience on others than I am grabbing my bible and claiming I can do all things through Christ! I know anything is possible if I have you, however, I need some help here...Please, just a bit of help....I don't know how to beg or plead God, I really don't, but I know deep down that you know I want a job, you know that I want to be successful, the reality is that I'm terrified of going back to school, terrified of going back to work, I'm a strong person, but you know how hard it is for me to fit in God, you know my struggles, I just ask that you continue to stand by me in good and in bad. This is a public prayer, never done it before.

I know my job miracle will happen soon, I haven't given up just yet, God, please, help me keep going.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sacrifices, They Are Worth It!

We've all had to make them, even when we don't want to, but I have to give my parents credit for raising my siblings the way that they did. It has not been an easy road, but my parents live off of faith. They know God will see them through anything and everything, so why live in fear? They never doubt or question God, they know he will bring them through the storm safe and sound. We got where we are because my parents worked hard. they fought hard, they made compromises, sacrifices over sacrifice, they knew they were risking a lot bringing three (when we arrived in Canada my baby sis wasn't born than) small African children to a new culture knowing we would have less of our own...But we have managed to stay in touch and not lose total awareness of where we are from. I learn from my parents everyday. And things change all the time, so of course back than, 20+ years ago it was all different. My parents knew that coming here meant they had to work together to make things work. They have been married for 29 years, and still going strong. They have shown through thick and through thin, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, as long as we both shall live. God made them make a promise, and said I will see you through the whole thing. And he has, and for that I thank God and hope and pray that I am luck enough to find someone that will honor the vows my parents have honored.

Traits my dad has that I hope I find in a man:
Christian-(I was raised Baptist...)
strong willedOpen-minded
Kind man
EducatedWilling to make sacrifices
The list can go on really...
Enjoys having a good time

What have I learned:
Less is more
God works in mysterious ways
Manage your money better
Timing is everything, (Not sure when I'll get this but I'm not giving up on myself)
Keep my eyes on the prize
There is always a process to progress
Patience and confidence are key!


These Are My Confessions

Sooooooooooo....Major reality check, or more like a slap in the face!!!!!!!!!

Today I went to a church in Halifax with my sister. It's as if I was supposed to be there today...The sermon was about being a servant for Christ without complaining. There were lots of scriptures mentioned..But the one read today was Mark 10:35...Read and let me know your thoughts please and thanks! So if you had money and your dad didn't and he needed gas, offering what you have instead of saying, how much do you need, just give what you have and smile. Give with a giving heart and I have struggled with this for years, and still do. Ask my family. I know that I have a lot to work on but I have really good intentions and I have found myself struggling to please people. I live with a family of high expectations and often times I struggle to meet them because I am trying to live my own life, but one thing I need to grip on tighter is that I will never be without if I have God. Why is that so hard to believe? Not sure, but I've lived in fear my whole life. Never being enough, never getting the A+, never being the apple of someone's eye, (besides God) I whine and complain a lot, and I get mad. I try to help, but sometimes it does not help but aggravate, and nobody likes to listen to someone who just talks for the sake of hearing their own voice. I am very much like my mother and you know what? You will just have to accept parts of me that may not all be there because not everyone has the right "formula" most times we act like we have it together, but we do not. To some I may hide behind a computer, but trust me, I am working my way up the ladder. I don't hide in real life I am honest but I also have respect for people and do not treat them like "friends" I try my best to not use people because it is wrong. It makes me uncomfortable when I am trying to be friends with people, and in the end I don't see them for while unless I need a just doesn't make sense. Why befriend someone if you don't really like them?

So I confess that I am not always right. I do sometimes say words that I shouldn't, and I am working on gossiping less, it's a sin and we should know better. If you cannot talk to the person to their face, keep your mouth closed and turn the other cheek, but do not be two-faced. It's not nice! That's not very God like and if you claim to be a faith based person, think WWJD, yes I pulled it out! Would Jesus turn his face away? Jesus would never shun anyone away from his kingdom, he just wants people that are humble. Honest, trustworthy, and willing to do anything to make him happy. I do not always obey my parents, and that means I am breaking a commandment, God knows that and knows I am trying my hardest but God sees all...

Anyway, like I said, these are my confessions. This week I am working on not gossiping, and respecting my parents more. It is a commandment and if broken, you are not pleasing God. So, I challenge all to try on commandment a week. See what happens...I'll keep you updated everyday on what happens..Happy or sad, but I plan to keep counting my blessings big or small, and when you do right, trust me, God will reward you bigger than you thought.


Timing Is Everything Ecc 3:1

Not sure why it has taken me this long, but I have decided to open my own business! Most of you know that I braid hair. But there is a lot to learn. So far, I only know how to do singles, but I plan to learn how to do twists, and hopefully very soon, to learn weaves, and cornrows, etc...

I believe that God has blessed me in ways I least expected. I have been braiding hair a lot this year so far and little did I know that it was God's way of saying to me, "This is what you love to do..." So I have decided to start my own hair braiding business. I have regulars, people that like how I do hair, they trust me, and I make people look fabulous. Why shouldn't a person look gorgeous? They are paying good money...I am flexible and do neg, but I will admit, if you want your hair done, you gotta save your pennies. My prices are decent and though times are tough, just know that for me, this is how I make my living. As of right now, I charge just for the labor. Sometimes it can take more than 10 hours to do hair and as reasonable as I am, it is a bit hard but I have managed to make it work. $100 for non students, $50 for students, and for a child's hair in singles, $50. Decent prices, but chances are next year they might go up by a few dollars. We all gotta make a living, and I'm def a lot more affordable than hair salons, (no offense). I just enjoy making people look pretty. So I am asking for your help and support. Please spread the word about my hair braiding, and yes I do sell hair as well. However, that is extra with the labor. But like I said, I neg, but I also ask that my talent be respected and not abused. :)

Anyway, just decided to post this on my blog because I know people read it! And I really appreciate those that read! Please let people know, if they want to reach me, they can use my email, and I will take it from there, must stay professional.

something that deceives  or is intended to deceive;  fraud; artifice.
Now why you wanna go and do that, that, that, (Yes I'm quoting T.I on a Sunday lol) 

You walked around school like you were the hottest thing in town. (or not) You talked like you were important (but you knew you weren't) you dressed like you were a millionaire, and you spoke like you owned the whole school, (but you knew you didn't) But deep down inside, you were the kid people laughed at, stuffed in lockers, had your face in a toilet bowl, made fun of as you walked down the hall to class, and kept out of the circle, no matter what. Your clothes were out of date, your music was too different, and you drove a hideous car, but it was a car, and it got you places, just not with the people you wanted.You get what I mean, I know you do...

We have all worn the mask that hid who we really were. You thought nobody could see past the flashy cars, brand named clothes that just looked cheap, the long creepy trench coat you wore on hot days, (people still do that and I'm not sure what statement they are trying to make) I used to want to fit in. I tried hard in high school to fit in, but I wasn't the type that followed others, I was more the "on her own" type of girl and I made it work. I still knew people, hung out with friends but never let my self be told by another person what I could wear, what to sat, (ya'll saw Mean Girls, that's not me) I am not a follower, unless I am learning something but I am a quick learner and often take charge in most situations.
Looks can be deceiving, I know you have all heard those words before. If your born in the suburbs, why act like you are from the hood?Act like a proper African Canadian, speak good English and people will take you seriously, and maybe you might get a girl that doesn't see the "wanna-be" in you. She just wants to see you. Period. Stop trying to be a hustla, stop using words that don't fit in your vocab.
Nobody is ever strong enough to say how they feel in person because they feel they will lose friends, but I know if you watch your friend act foolish, and you don't say anything, you are not much of a friend! Just saying!!!! I'd rather be told what I am doing wrong so in that moment I can fix it, but if you let me be stupid in public, than clearly you do not even like me and are just using me. Why would you do that? Be a good person, be a friend, don't be a faker, and just do what you think makes others happy. 
Do what makes you happy!

Writing makes me happy! 
God Bless and enjoy your Sunday! :)


Who You Are (Jessie J song title)

Just a reminder, I am not who I was five years ago...Let alone two years ago...I have changed and I would hope that those that know me have seen that, or would at least try to get it that I learn from my mistakes.
I have my own things to deal with, but I never claim perfection.
It's also important to know who your friends are because it is easy to be pressured to do anything and your real friends won't do that if they know what you like and don't like. Just be you, and people will see that.
One thing I know about my self is that I am real. I say how I feel, but I have learned that communication works differently for everyone. We don't all speak the same, but I don't run around yelling hood nonsense if I am from the suburbs. I don't curse knowing that I love God and speaking profanity goes against what I believe in. Swearing isn't cool and won't make people fall at your feet, it makes you look stupid, and we need more smart people in this world instead of actors. In one of my blogs I talk about deception. Looks can be deceiving. You see these nice looking guys, but they could be the complete opposite! Violent an nasty as anything, and than you have the least attractive guy who could be the biggest sweetheart. Now tell me ladies, would you rather a man that beats you and throws you down stairs or a man that will give you breakfast in bed, say how pretty you look no matter how you feel, and surprise you at work?
We do not want a bad guy so please, don't go for the first guy that says you look pretty or he promises to offer you the world. Chances are 30 other women had that before you. Go for a guy that looks at you like you are the only woman in the world, and you can tell, you just have to be very observant and stay focused otherwise he can fool you.
Please, young girls, young women, all females, watch out for the looks, please, men test us all the time, and the same goes for women. Don't act opposite of what you are. You will get a man based on your actions, and your personality. Men want a smart woman. Trust me both of my sisters are married so I know what I'm talking about. Ive seen a lot in the past ten years, and in all that I learned, smarts, confidence, and yes, looks do matter but men want a woman with strong character traits. Persistent, hard worker, go getter, and someone not afraid to take chances. Smart chances, not ones that make you look foolish or end up being talked about behind your back. Nobody wants a girl that gives up easy.

I got my eyes on the prize, and I'm working towards it, are YOU?


Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When I was in high school, yes, I had my fair share of fun, laughter, tears, insults given and thrown, embarrassing moments, moments of praise, etc. But what I did not encounter was discovering love.

I grew up in a home with three sisters, two older and one younger. My two older sisters definitely had things a bit easier for them. Guys would just throw themselves at my sisters, and it made me look at them with awe. And the question I had on my mind was, "how did they do that? How did they manage to get any and every guy to knock on the house door, call them on the phone, and pick them up for a movie, get into concerts free, or simply just enjoy the company of another male...They had the magic touch. Confidence. That's what I've been working on the past while. In high school, and university guys never knocked on my door, so I never dated, went out with guys for fun, or just had guy friends. I am very personable, I hope you are starting to see that. It helps people see that I go through things in life, and I share how I handled it. I don't like people making assumptions about me, or deciding things for me, I want someone to see me for who I am, and not for what my family does. That does not mean I will ignore the commandment of honor thy mother and father, it just means that I want to shine so that people see who I am, and not through what my family does. Get past the fear, and have faith!!!

I had the chance to go for "coffee" Well, I had a smoothie on a cold rainy day because I'm not able to enjoy dairy products like some people do. So I enjoyed a nice thick Orange Mango smoothie which when the weather is better and I'm sweating I will enjoy. it's a nice filler, and if you want something to keep you for a little while and don't mind spending 5 bucks once a pay check, (Starbucks is a bit up there...) than go for it! So I was chatting with a good friend, and she made me see just how smart and intelligent I really am. I am very mature for my age, but though I am mature, I make mistakes, we all do. I say things when I shouldn't, but I apologize and back track and I start over...I forget to get things done, or if I can't get to the whole list I try to do what I can, and I say when I can have it accomplished. I am creative and I improvise because as an artist, often times we have to find new ways to get things done...So I am learning to just do what I have to do and it will be done when it's done. Anyway, a bit offtrack... I told my friend I needed an older guy, where some might say, "older, aren't you young?" I say, "I'm 24, and because of how I was raised, and who I hang out with, I know what works for me and what doesn't. What works for me is an older guy. (Over 24, nothing lower) Though I have never dated, I have had encounters that were not so nice, and one major friendship that just went really wrong and it hurt a lot, and sometimes even almost 8 months later, I think about things I went through, and how I put my all and got nothing back...I met guys that did not know what they wanted and it hurt a bit but as Beyonce says in her new song "Best Thing I Never Had", "thank God I dodged a bullet" and "I am the best thing he never had." Hurtful but it's the truth.  It won't always be pretty so man up and grow up fellas!

Do I have my eye on someone, yes, does he know? I thought he did, but that's until I realized that my flirting level was a bit low, and it takes time and practice...But I mentioned earlier, I don't give up, and I believe in sacrifices because I have seen that making sacrifices and being patient is what makes things worth it in the end, and if I play my cards right...It might work out...But, Step one is to be friends...And just go with the flow.

Being alone is hard, and I have never really been seriously involved with anyone. I travel a lot,  wit family and on my own, and I'd love to travel more, but right now work and school are on the top of my list. Doing what I love with the people I love, playing soccer, writing, and blogging, being creative and showing off my talents help me stay distracted, but when I don't have either to focus on work, and I go for a walk, I am reminded of being alone and it makes me wish I had someone to share time with. Someone to laugh with, talk sports, social justice, how life is, jobs, the events seen, etc...I have lots of female friends, (don't laugh) So it would be nice to have a male friend to just chat with, and grow to care for...If that makes sense because I know men and women cannot be friends really, it's too hard...In the end they just want to rip each others clothes off and make made passionate love. I'm a huge romantic. But it would be nice to have someone by your side instead of always being alone. I am used to being alone, and I am okay with being alone, but I would like to grow with someone and hope and pray that it turns into more than just a friendship.
I hope you ave enjoyed my blogs and will keep checking them out.
God Bless


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ecclesiates 3:1

If there is one thing I have learned in life, it's that there is a time for everything. I have gone through so many embarrassing and humiliating things in my life, enough to do a memoir. Moments where I should have not had access to a computer, or been allowed to speak, or let out of the house wearing an outfit so illegal, I'd be arrested. I'm sure you get my point. I've done some really stupid stuff, but I know so have you, so you can sit back with a sigh of relief knowing you are not on your own. We all do stupid stuff, the problem is accepting our mistake, and learning from it. Some of us don't learn and we repeat, repeat, repeat. Some of us learn and we move on to bigger and better things. Well, after my big mistake, i learned my lesson, but I was a bit slow to learn a few other key things about life that I needed to know than, which i am just discovering now. I may lose out on an amazing guy who makes me laugh, smile, and we are really good friends, but my lack of flirting experience lets it stay at friends, and I lose because I do not have the skills and have no advanced on some other levels as some ladies/women have. Does not mean I won't get there, just means I am not there yet. I flirt, but not the "I want you, and will make you mine" type of flirting. Not that heavy. The avg "let's go for coffee and chat", or "You played such an awesome game, I loved that move you made in the second half, maybe you could teach me some of those moves outside the field? (Wink) Yes, that type of flirting, will take time, but I will get there. I can dance, there are people that will tell you that I can dance. I have plenty to learn, but I have moves.

In my years of being a Christian, I have learned that nothing is easy and it all comes with practice, patience, and being positive. Guess you could also title this the Three P's! But to me, it's about timing. Even on the soccer field, I have played soccer since I could walk, and though it has been at least eight years, (minus this year starting again) I have a lot to learn and catch up on. I even watched the Womens World Cup games on TV and saw that even though they are professionals, they make mistakes too, which made me feel a bit better about myself. On the field, timing is everything. I got my first yellow card. It was an accident though, didn't make a big deal about it, but my timing was way off and I had already missed the ball. I dealt with it. Maybe not in the best way, but I did and in the end...I am still standing.

So today my sister and I spent some time in HFX. Our goal was to help me flirt because it is not my strongest suit, and I have a lot to learn. A LOT!!!! I try but I was just going down the wrong path and now have to back up a little bit, and switch paths and hope that I can catch up in enough time to get what I want. yeah, I have a goal, I have lots of goals. I have goals, some personal, others not so personal. But I am in the process of achieving some of those goals. I am a poet, writer, educator, lover, and of all things, a child of God. With him all things are possible so if I have a wrong approach to flirting, loving, educating, etc I will back up a bit, reflect on my wrongs, and correct them and hope that I will see the results.  You can only learn if you are willing to be open and willing to be taught. I have a poem called Teach and it talks about being open to learning and willing to learn...As a good friend once sang..."change is a choice" And it's true. But change comes from within, which means you cannot force. You have to train yourself to be better, it won't come automatic.

So, I hope you get what I mean about timing. It really is everything in life. If it doesn't work out with one guy, there is another guy, but knowing me, I get emotionally attached very easily, so I hope and pray that God will answer my prayers.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Pick A Path

You don't get me,  and sometimes I don't get myself...but that's because my wires have been a bit mixed up. You know in the movies when a guy is attached to a bomb and they have a certain amount of time to figure it out. Blue, or Red, one of these decides the fate of an innocent human being!!!! So what's it going to be?

See, my wires are a bit crossed. The wrong wire got cut, and this might not make sense but when I thought back to an epi of Criminal Minds where a bomb was attached to an inncoent civilian, they had to guess the wire, and they saved the guy...But in my case, if my wires were crossed, it means there is still time to pick a path...The one that makes sense, and will give me back the focus I need.

There is still time to save me and get the wires uncrossed, it will take time, and lucky for me this isn't a show and I won't blow up and die, I may just scream and break out of the shell and finally be the person I was meant to be. It's funny how we go through life not realizing certain things about ourselves until we get older. I might stand out a bit, but that's what I prefer. If my wires are crossed, all I have to do is pick a wire and stick with it. Meaning just take one path in life and stick with it! can't go back and forth.

I wrote this after hours so I apologize if I do not make sense but I hope you get what I mean.
So, yes, there is time to pick a path. Make sure the path fits your personality. Just do you!


Don't Test Me!

Yes, this will be a not so nice blog!

It has come to my attention that in order to succeed, you must be a slut, gold digger, or use your assets, not talking about your personality or passion, in order to A) get a man, B) Pass school C) Get your license..."In your opinion?" "Yes, in my opinion" ( I love the Good Wife, can't wait for it to come back)

There are some girls that will stop at nothing to get what they want, but it is the way they fight for it. Not all of us are born fighters, we fight in diff ways. I fight with words, while others fight with their bodies. See, I am one of the good girls. Yes, I am, and I can sit here and blog about it. I do not sleep around, (yeah I'm going to get personal) I do not swear or wear inappropriate clothes to get a guys attention. I dress for my self, I don't wear fake contacts, and change in front of guys hoping they see my bra, I don't through my @$$ in front of them like I have no class. I fight with words because that's what I do best.

I grew up the shy quiet girl most guys did not see, nor approach. I never had a boyfriend, no guy friends, so I was used to just being around girls. I never flirted because the opportunity was never there. So I grew up not having certain experiences and just stayed the "good silent girl".  Yeah I "talked" to a few guys but it never went past friendship.
As I got older things changed and I grew into my self. Image, mind, voice, personality...I learned to love my body despite the few things I might have. Small imperfections, but loving those imperfections made me realize that they do not define who I am.  They just are a part of the life I had growing up, we all have scars, bumps and bruises but it shows that we fell and got back up. I am doing something about it because I am educating myself and learning what works for me and what doesn't. Being a hoe won't get you far, well, it can, but how long can you keep up the Facade
Some girls use their body to get men, not good...They will only want you for sex, and in the end, you have nothing else to offer so he gets tired of you. If there is one thing about me, I get emotionally attached to guys, and I always go for the ones that never like me in the end. (tear tear) My wires get a bit mixed up but that happens to some of us. We aren't all lucky to know how to flirt in public and not care, we don't all know how to use our "Assets" like the Kim's and Amber Rose's. Those girls only have the body, no education...Unless you know something I don't..Please, inform me lol.

Yes, the girls that stalked, hunted, and were persistent about what they wanted, are married with kids, they did not give up, but I wonder...Is the man really happy or is he trapped and only married her because he knew she wouldn't give up? Two options here... A) He liked the fact that she did not give up, she was a hard worker, ambitious, educated, and wants a good man and refused to settle, she knew what she wanted. Who doesn't want that type of girl? B) He married her because she wouldn't leave him alone now he has to grow to love her. I love option A even though that isn't me..Yet...We all get where we should eventually but it takes time and practice. But yea, I'd be sad if the guy I wanted and worked hard to get did not want me back, but at the same time, there are lots of fish in the sea so why settle for one guy when a million guys could want me?

Please do not be the gold digging slut that some girls are, it really is not a nice way to be seen. And guys respect a girl who respects herself, but is also confident in who she is, but does not use her body to prove she can make it, use your head. You have they body, that's great, but do not use your body for wrong. So many people think sex will keep a man but sadly you are wrong. He will stay for a bit, but that's about it. Education girls, very important. Not just the certificate, but be smart about your life choices and know that Karma is real!!!!!!!!!

This was a harsh blog but my day was full of some harsh words said, and things I heard made me see that this world is about survival of the fittest. Even if you are not the most athletic, does not mean you will not make it. I exercise at least twice a week and try to do what my body needs to be ready for a game. I know what is needed, so if I do what is needed, I should be okay.


Don't Judge

One thing I do not get about people is how we treat each other still, and still want the respect of our enemies! I cannot tell you how many times I have been "used" or been the middle person, or decided to go for something and nobody stood behind me even tho they claimed they were my friends? I don't just mean Africans, this is everyone. We treat each other like garbage, and than when we want our hair done, or to borrow some money, or...anything, we go out of our way to be nice, and in the end, the real deal is that, "I just needed you at that time, not anymore" I get that we grow up in different areas, we all have our own ways have handling things, we talk different, have our own codes, we dress different, we go to our own places, etc, but that does not mean that we hurt each other for the sake of one's happiness.

What has this world come to?

The nerds and the geeks are not cool enough because they wear suspenders, funny shoes, and spend hours in thee bedroom creating who knows what...We have the losers, the goth, etc that wear dark make-up, dress in heavy wear no matter the weather, they listen to horrible loud aggressive music, and they intimidate people, mostly because they lack in social skills...We had the stuck up girls whose parents paid for everything from cars to shopping trips, and they even had trust funds so they could afford school, we had the kids that were avg and they just worked hard and yes, it paid off...Growing up I was the outcast. I kept to my self because I knew fitting in would be hard, and I have not always been a fighter, but more of the verbal fighter. I have never been strong at fighting. I was a follower because I did not know what path to take...But I am starting to figure out that who I am, is not a silent quiet person, so please, do not judge a book by it's cover.

I wish the division would end, but I know in this world, times have changed, and we have to push our way through the crowd because yelling is not enough!


Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's been a while since I shared some news with you, and I guess I will start with this.
I believe in happiness, and though we are given so much responsibility in life, we deserve a day off, where we don't do what we can't do during the week, we do wht we want to do, that we are scared to do.
The other day I had the chance to sit at Public gardens on a gorgeous Fri, (Yesterday) I was there for maybe half an hour or an hour, but it felt nice to just be by myself, and enjoy the environment. It was hot, I felt gorgeous, I had gotten all dressed up, wore a cute yellow sundress, black sandals, had my hair down, and of course my make-up was on point, and I felt fabulous. Often times we let life get in the way, work bogs us down, school gets us depressed, jobs make us want to quit, and yea friends and family can be a bit much...But it is about how you handle it, putting your foot down, and telling someone how you feel. I am tired of the word, "that's life" because I do not believe that is how life should be. Why should young people be overworked? We are young, and we have so many opportunities, why should what we do, make us age fast, and in the end, instead of looking 24, (yes I am) and fabulous, I could end up looking 30. In life, we do what we love. It's called passion and determination. I am a writer, and I plan to use my writing as a way to educate, encourage, and uplift people. Sciences may be taking over, but we all have the right to express ourselves and people are trying to tell us that we are not allowed.

Writing has been a passion of mine since I was a little girl. I wrote anything and everything. Nothing stopped me. I kept going, and going, and before I knew it, I had binders and little booklets of things hidden in drawers, closets, bags, random places. And I still have a lot of those left.
Writing has helped me learn more about the type of person that I am. Strong minded, passionate, and i do not give up. There are areas in life that take time, but not everything happens in a day.
I am happy that people take time to look at my blogs, and share thoughts, or just look at the blog and see what I wrote about. This is how I communicate. Through words, but I have joined one of the best writing companies in the area and hopefully they can direct me in a positive way with my book.
It may be done by the end of the year, or it might take another year, it all depends on God's plan.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Passion/Dedication/Commitment/Blessings Vs. Education

The year is half over, crazy huh? I know, time is ticking so whatever you did not finish early this year, make sure you finish before the year ends! I should talk, it takes me forever to start and finish but I plan to finish stuff this year. Poems, books, etc!

Today was such an amazing day. I reconnected with a friend that I met last year during a program. She has been such a blessing to me and is always encouraging me to be a better person, and she always looks out for me. We hang out as often as time and schedules permit, however, life happens and we get really busy so often times we forget to spend quality time with good quality friends.
Than after that awesome meeting I met up with another old friend and we chatted for a couple hours about life and everything about it! I love the friends I have. I AM BLESSED!!! Yes I have a right to scream it lol

We spent a couple hours chatting about life, love, education, passions, and we talked about my future, where things are going, my plans, goals, ambitions, and what I hope to achieve the rest of the year. We are in month seven. July 2011, can you believe how fast time has flown?

We went from being babies, enjoying childhood, having crushes, playing in the sand, dirt, spilling on our church dresses, moving around, making jokes, etc, to paying bills, having kids, not know where life will take you but still taking risks that can either take you farther or put you back a step, moving to a new city, starting over, getting married! Wow, this is life and though we have many ups and downs, we must count our blessings and thank God for the amazing things he has done! I am so blessed I'm speechless, I could cry. I have a very small business but it has done so much for me. I braid hair, and am planning to expand to more than just braiding singles. Though I do not have a salaried income, God has told people to come to me. In ways I never thought he would. He is telling me what I am good at, what makes me smile, and to never ever worry because he always has my back! How can I complain? I have no right! I have parents that love me, siblings that look out for me, friends that care enough to msg me even if its once a year, I have gone through so much, mentally, emotionally, financially, things have not been easy at all...I am in a better place, just had to open my eyes and see God was working in my life. My personal life is always a hard spot to talk about, but it is always something to work on. Yes, I am single, and yes there is a person of interest, but my struggle with love has always been, what can I offer him? And what can he offer me? Well, I hope I am able to offer something great because I know that I am a pretty cool person to hang out with! But, if God decides that this guy is right for me, than he will show me. But I have a pretty good feeling about it, but will pray, and keep being open, and see what God does.

I am a passionate person. I put my all into something, and the past year God has been rewarding me I just did not know. Silly me right? lol
I am dedicated. When I put my mind to something, I get it done, it takes time, support, and of course there is a process to getting things accomplished, but I make it happen, and if it is not meant to be, than I try something else. Life is full of endless opportunities.
I don't give up very easy but I do fall. Who doesn't, we are human and can only do so much.
I believe in commitment, My parents have been married for 30 years next year, and they have displayed an incredible amount of love, I have no words, They have shown love, honesty, they have struggled in every aspect, but they have stuck to the vows they said in front of God since day one, and I love them for that. Not giving up, and the faith they have in God is amazing. God has seen us through so much, that even on days when you think, "it's not going to happen," God turns it around ten seconds before we want to give up and the miracle we prayed for is there. It is never our time, but God's time!
My faith in God grows every day, and I know right now my biggest struggle is getting back into school. I need your prayers, faith, constant pushing and motivation to make it happen. Please do not give up on me, for it takes a village to raise a child! I am young and still have so much growing and learning to do, but it will not happen without you. Yes, my readers, followers, friends, family, I won't make it without you!
Education is important and in this day and age it is hard to get jobs without such and I am a firm believer in learning, but I am also a firm believer that one should work in a job that they love, and not do something mediocre and be unhappy. I love writing, blogging, and my book is going to happen. I plan to put my name out there and let people know who I am, and what I do, and what I do is help people look beautiful, think smart, and to never give up on what they believe in.

I hope you do not give up, but also do not turn your backs on those that have a hard time going forth. We can't all know at 16 what we want to do, or have the financial means by the time we are 25 to make the rest of our dreams come true, but we can keep pushing, going forth, and always trust in God that he will see us through.

I love you all for your support, and hope you will keep checking in! I took time off to write because I would rather share my good days and blessings with you than bring you down on my sad days.
God is good, all the time, all the time God is good!
