Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Can't Touch This

I stumbled upon this article the other day, and I knew how this person felt. I do not mind people asking about my hair, but do NOT, just grab my hair and pretend it belongs to you. That hair is physically attached to my head, and the last time I checked, it is not on display for some white person to just touch on his/her own free will.

There, (phew, got out the anger, now to focus on the blog. lol)

The one job where I worked was my first job, that's when my hair struck up conversation.
"Is that your real hair? Can I touch it? It feels like sheeps wool." I showed up to work with my hair in a weave, and my co-workers asked to see what my real hair looked like, on the floor of the shop. I mean, honestly, I'm not some display where a person is situated, and you peek under to see what the real hair is, how it is sewed in, glued in, like really people??? I am human, if you want to know just ask without touching, or asking to touch. I like my space and it doesn't mean I am being rude but it is my body. It is OUR body that you feel you can handle without care.
All races use fake hair in their own hair. White people like volume and length, different colors etc, so they added clip-on's or hair pieces for ponytails. so they can add something. When I was a kid, I had cornrows growing up, than into junior high and high school, weaves, extensions, hair pieces, a wig or two, my styles were always different. There were times I had my real hair out, short, permed, straightened, curled, as long as it looked good and I could rock it I had no problems. But some people always had something to say. People will always comment, just learn to ignore it and live your own life.

Now I am very comfy in my own skin. I've rocked and an Afro, but I only do extensions because weaves make me feel limited. I think the world has accepted that we people of color whether Asian, Hispanic, Black Nova Scotian, etc, we know who we are and do not need fake hair to feel good, we wear it to help our own hair grow. That's why I wear braids. To help my hair grow.
(Correct me if I have made a mistake)
Everyone in this world is different and I encourage you to read up on African/Black history. You will be amazed. I need to brush up, it's been a while, I have over ten book I need to read, started lots but never finished.

hair is a sign of strength for Blacks and African Americans. What is your strength?


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