Yes, this will be a not so nice blog!
It has come to my attention that in order to succeed, you must be a slut, gold digger, or use your assets, not talking about your personality or passion, in order to A) get a man, B) Pass school C) Get your license..."In your opinion?" "Yes, in my opinion" ( I love the Good Wife, can't wait for it to come back)
There are some girls that will stop at nothing to get what they want, but it is the way they fight for it. Not all of us are born fighters, we fight in diff ways. I fight with words, while others fight with their bodies. See, I am one of the good girls. Yes, I am, and I can sit here and blog about it. I do not sleep around, (yeah I'm going to get personal) I do not swear or wear inappropriate clothes to get a guys attention. I dress for my self, I don't wear fake contacts, and change in front of guys hoping they see my bra, I don't through my @$$ in front of them like I have no class. I fight with words because that's what I do best.
I grew up the shy quiet girl most guys did not see, nor approach. I never had a boyfriend, no guy friends, so I was used to just being around girls. I never flirted because the opportunity was never there. So I grew up not having certain experiences and just stayed the "good silent girl". Yeah I "talked" to a few guys but it never went past friendship.
As I got older things changed and I grew into my self. Image, mind, voice, personality...I learned to love my body despite the few things I might have. Small imperfections, but loving those imperfections made me realize that they do not define who I am. They just are a part of the life I had growing up, we all have scars, bumps and bruises but it shows that we fell and got back up. I am doing something about it because I am educating myself and learning what works for me and what doesn't. Being a hoe won't get you far, well, it can, but how long can you keep up the Facade
Some girls use their body to get men, not good...They will only want you for sex, and in the end, you have nothing else to offer so he gets tired of you. If there is one thing about me, I get emotionally attached to guys, and I always go for the ones that never like me in the end. (tear tear) My wires get a bit mixed up but that happens to some of us. We aren't all lucky to know how to flirt in public and not care, we don't all know how to use our "Assets" like the Kim's and Amber Rose's. Those girls only have the body, no education...Unless you know something I don't..Please, inform me lol.
Yes, the girls that stalked, hunted, and were persistent about what they wanted, are married with kids, they did not give up, but I wonder...Is the man really happy or is he trapped and only married her because he knew she wouldn't give up? Two options here... A) He liked the fact that she did not give up, she was a hard worker, ambitious, educated, and wants a good man and refused to settle, she knew what she wanted. Who doesn't want that type of girl? B) He married her because she wouldn't leave him alone now he has to grow to love her. I love option A even though that isn't me..Yet...We all get where we should eventually but it takes time and practice. But yea, I'd be sad if the guy I wanted and worked hard to get did not want me back, but at the same time, there are lots of fish in the sea so why settle for one guy when a million guys could want me?
Please do not be the gold digging slut that some girls are, it really is not a nice way to be seen. And guys respect a girl who respects herself, but is also confident in who she is, but does not use her body to prove she can make it, use your head. You have they body, that's great, but do not use your body for wrong. So many people think sex will keep a man but sadly you are wrong. He will stay for a bit, but that's about it. Education girls, very important. Not just the certificate, but be smart about your life choices and know that Karma is real!!!!!!!!!
This was a harsh blog but my day was full of some harsh words said, and things I heard made me see that this world is about survival of the fittest. Even if you are not the most athletic, does not mean you will not make it. I exercise at least twice a week and try to do what my body needs to be ready for a game. I know what is needed, so if I do what is needed, I should be okay.
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