First and foremost, I am not an expert, and if I do not know anything about a topic, I do not talk about it, and obviously, I have a lot of homework to do because this past weekend I although I missed most of the events, I was able to attend the gala for the African Diaspora Heritage Trail Conference and it was amazing. Though I missed the workshops and seminars about change and how to move forward, etc, I still wonder, will anything really happen or will it all just be talk?
Almost a month ago a friend sent an email in regards to a blog that I had posted, and I was overwhelmed by the response but I also realized how little I know about a lot of stuff. Before I answer his questions, I just wanted to express how important education is, and that no matter how scared you might be, hard things may get, or "tough" you have to act to make it, just know that you will make it with the support of the community.
So, onto the blog responses: I really hope I do them justice and if not please let me know, and I will do my homework.
First question:
"Firstly in your article you mention that we hurt ourselves and treat each other like we do not love each other. Are you saying that Black people don't love each other? And if so how did I come to that conclusion?"
My answer: I do believe that we do love each other, but sometimes we do things, not so nice things like stab each other in the back. I could sit here and list but I'd be here all night. We have such a large black community, yet somehow, families turn on each other, siblings kill each other, and it is not even just black people that do these to each other, it is everyone, Hispanics, Latino's, Whites, Africans, Asian's, wherever you are, something in the community turns families, friends and businesses against each other and it causes a major rift. When we see a young child out on the street, instead of telling her to go home, we talk behind her back and spread rumors about another parent's kid, but when it is our own kid, we deny it and say, "not my child" but yet we have no issues telling another parent that they caught their child on the corner. Why do we do these types of things to each other? Honestly, I cannot tell you, but it is not right, and it should not happen...I hope it changes, or that it is changing.
His question: "You later say we have come a long way. This is a statement I definitely agree with, progress has been made. Since when to which time frame are you referring?"
My answer: I do not know the specific timeline, however, if we have not progressed in any way, we would not have a Black President, we would not have had a woman run for president, women were a minority, and in some countries/religions they still are, but we have fought to make sure that equality went all the way around. We have Black supermodels, we have African Canadians and Americans that own and successfully run their own businesses, we have financial assistance available for anyone that wants to go to school, the list goes on, but we really have made our mark in a big way, and of course, we are not done, but we have spent centuries fighting, we have lost great people, but they are the ones that paved the way for us. They made it possible for us to be who we are, and do what we do. There will always be issues, but it is about working around them.
His question: "Also you mention that attending different poetry events that people express a lot of anger of their treatment in Halifax. Now would you say those people that complain represent a majority of Black people in Halifax?"
My answer: I have no issue with people telling it like it is because that is what I aim to do as well, I just think we need to also accept what has changed, we know this world has issues, we know where we live there are problems, but the way we handle, the way we discuss, instead of yelling and trashing people online, (vbloggers) and bloggers that hash out the ugly truth, I feel we would be better not always thinking and focusing about hate. Isn't there something we can be happy about? Why do we always have to be in a fight? The people that complain do not represent all of us, but they are the ones that know how to speak, and know how to get the attention of people that matter and need to hear the problems at hand.
His question: "Later you say these people complain but they don't do anything? What are things these persons should or could do?"
My answer: There is always a better approach to something, you just have to find it. I may not know what it is right now, or I may never find out, or have access, but for those that do, I wish that they were able to. And maybe I am wrong about all of this but when I get up to perform at an event or poetry night, and I mention the type of poem, people get happy when it' an angry poem. I would prefer to not be encouraged to be angry, but to be encouraged to move on from the past.
His question: "When you say it's becoming a mental thing, do you mean to say it's not the reality of racism that holds people back but their minds?"
My answer: No, I do not know what goes on in the minds of most, but what I really feel is that we need to let go of the past and move on. It's sad how in some parts of the world people still feel and live a certain way, but its about education. We need to educate our kids, young people, adults about how to treat people, how things work, I wonder how people live like we are still in the slave days and in the 40's. People just need to grow up and let go. We think we are in a war, but if we were at war, we would not have a Black president and First lady, we would not have Black people owning businesses, being successful, and having the lifestyle that they have. We should be proud of who we are and where we come from, and not make it negative.
Every group faces oppression, but what we need to ask ourselves is why do we still feel this way? And what are we going to do about changing the future?
I hope that helped, I hoped I answered them right, I know it's long but there were a lot of questions.
Thanks for the response, and I hope the rest of you share how you feel. God Bless