Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ecclesiates 3:1

If there is one thing I have learned in life, it's that there is a time for everything. I have gone through so many embarrassing and humiliating things in my life, enough to do a memoir. Moments where I should have not had access to a computer, or been allowed to speak, or let out of the house wearing an outfit so illegal, I'd be arrested. I'm sure you get my point. I've done some really stupid stuff, but I know so have you, so you can sit back with a sigh of relief knowing you are not on your own. We all do stupid stuff, the problem is accepting our mistake, and learning from it. Some of us don't learn and we repeat, repeat, repeat. Some of us learn and we move on to bigger and better things. Well, after my big mistake, i learned my lesson, but I was a bit slow to learn a few other key things about life that I needed to know than, which i am just discovering now. I may lose out on an amazing guy who makes me laugh, smile, and we are really good friends, but my lack of flirting experience lets it stay at friends, and I lose because I do not have the skills and have no advanced on some other levels as some ladies/women have. Does not mean I won't get there, just means I am not there yet. I flirt, but not the "I want you, and will make you mine" type of flirting. Not that heavy. The avg "let's go for coffee and chat", or "You played such an awesome game, I loved that move you made in the second half, maybe you could teach me some of those moves outside the field? (Wink) Yes, that type of flirting, will take time, but I will get there. I can dance, there are people that will tell you that I can dance. I have plenty to learn, but I have moves.

In my years of being a Christian, I have learned that nothing is easy and it all comes with practice, patience, and being positive. Guess you could also title this the Three P's! But to me, it's about timing. Even on the soccer field, I have played soccer since I could walk, and though it has been at least eight years, (minus this year starting again) I have a lot to learn and catch up on. I even watched the Womens World Cup games on TV and saw that even though they are professionals, they make mistakes too, which made me feel a bit better about myself. On the field, timing is everything. I got my first yellow card. It was an accident though, didn't make a big deal about it, but my timing was way off and I had already missed the ball. I dealt with it. Maybe not in the best way, but I did and in the end...I am still standing.

So today my sister and I spent some time in HFX. Our goal was to help me flirt because it is not my strongest suit, and I have a lot to learn. A LOT!!!! I try but I was just going down the wrong path and now have to back up a little bit, and switch paths and hope that I can catch up in enough time to get what I want. yeah, I have a goal, I have lots of goals. I have goals, some personal, others not so personal. But I am in the process of achieving some of those goals. I am a poet, writer, educator, lover, and of all things, a child of God. With him all things are possible so if I have a wrong approach to flirting, loving, educating, etc I will back up a bit, reflect on my wrongs, and correct them and hope that I will see the results.  You can only learn if you are willing to be open and willing to be taught. I have a poem called Teach and it talks about being open to learning and willing to learn...As a good friend once sang..."change is a choice" And it's true. But change comes from within, which means you cannot force. You have to train yourself to be better, it won't come automatic.

So, I hope you get what I mean about timing. It really is everything in life. If it doesn't work out with one guy, there is another guy, but knowing me, I get emotionally attached very easily, so I hope and pray that God will answer my prayers.
