Everything changed. If you had been there, you would know what I mean. Poets4Change brought out a me I have been fighting to bring out, but was not sure how, or when it would happen. I delivered a poem for the first time in I don't know how many years. I have been going to Poetry nights and poetry events, and speaking, but yet, none of them compared to Wednesday night. Everything has changed. I spoke with passion, and with pride, and my goal is to learn to take what I do seriously. I am going to start allowing people to get to know me in three minutes. I want them to know who I am as a poet, and why this works for me.
Do not get the wrong idea, I come from a great family. Amazing parents, great siblings, we talk, share, laugh, and we help each other out, but there are times when we also hold back. I don't share as much because sometimes it is hard, but I know family is all we have in the end. Being a poet has made me emotional, more aware, and willing to just give it all I've got because I have a purpose and a reason for being a poet, and it is not just to be on stage to look pretty and search for gorgeous men, it's a bonus if I find one, but my point is that I am willing to let it go, regardless who what you or other's say. Loving what I do is all that matters and if how I do it bothers you, than you can go somewhere else...(Ranty like from this side but it happens). So I am urging and encouraging all to never give up on your dreams, to stick to your gut, your first love, and take yourself as high as you can go.
Be who you are and people will respect you. I am learning that now.
God bless
Gyfted Artyst