Friday, October 28, 2011


I had the privilege of attending the launch of the new network called Progressive Roots which I found fantastic, made some great friends, and learned a lot about networking, and hopefully, will land a job within a few weeks God willing.

What I really appreciate about the PRN Group is the target, how they want to help us, and the passion they have to succeed. It has been a long time coming, but for once, we African Canadians and Black Nova Scotians can get jobs that we deserve, and not end up in a below-our-paycheck-type of job. Why should we settle for less, when we deserve more? I enjoyed hearing what some of the people I met were doing. Some are in accounting, some own a business, other's are still in school, finishing degrees, some moved back from here and there, etc. It was a great atmosphere, the location is gorgeous, and I definitely see myself going back there. I am proud of what our city has accomplished, and hope that the other events are just as good. For those that follow my poetry blog as well as this blog, I have some news, I will be a slam poet in an event next Wed and all are invited to come. Even if you have never heard of anything poet, come to enjoy the show, meet new people, and who knows, be inspired. I know I am inspired all the time, so I encourage you. Wed Nov 2, the Company House on Gottingen Street, I am a slam poet and will go up against two other poets, doing a poem from a charitable org of my choice and hoping that the audience marks fairly.

Enjoy what's left of Thursday, and God Bless
