Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Honesty, Does It Really Hurt?

Why do women settle for less?
Why can't a man just be a man and commit?
Why do women let themselves be treated wrong
Why are converastions between men and women typical, and predictable?

Why does a woman have to give in to keep her man?
Why must a man expect a woman to give up on the first date?
Why do men and women assume instead of ask?
Whatever happened to waiting for the woman that makes you lose your breath?
Or waiting for a woman that can cook like your mother, so you have no reason to cheat?
Why cheat when you know you have something amazing by your side?
Why do something stupid to see how great she was when you should have known from the start?

Why have we let society tell us how to be, what to say, what to wear, what's hot what isn't...
Why can't we decide for ourselves?
I have seen relationships come and go, friendships become complicated because the man wants friends with benefits, he is a nice guy, she is smart, he isn't ready to settle, but she doesn't want to be alone.
So she settles because she doesn't want to be alone, but he doesn't see that he is holding her back.
Why can't we demand more from a man that wants to be treated like a man?
Why do men treat women a certain way and than wonder why the woman gets mad?
Its funny, confusing, and definitely not right but yet for years the trend continues.

Men, if you are not ready to settle, why be in a relationship?
Women, if you know you deserve the world, why are you settling for less?
Men, why are you allowing a woman to settle, when you should stand up and say to her, "I'll make an honest woman of you, (I don't mean sleep with her or get her pregnant) I mean do right by her. You would want your son or daughter to be treated right...(Steve Harvey questioned his daughters friend asking, "What are your intentions with my daughter" guy replied. "We are just kicking it" Steve asks, "Does she know you are just kicking it?" And the guy was kicked to the curb for not being real and being honest. Parents want their kids to marry a guy just like their father, and just like their mother, but we have stopped demanding that, and have allowed friends, television, movies, society, magazines etc raise our kids. Why be a parent if you don't have time to talk to your kids about the birds and the bees? Sex before marriage is wrong because it messes you up...(In my opinion), always have strong and good intentions when being around people. Nobody likes to be abused, or disrespected. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Basically, just be honest. Why lie if you know you will get caught? Why cheat if you know she will find out? Honesty takes you farther.

"I'm not ready for marriage right now, I plan to travel a bit, and emotionally, I am not there yet. Maybe in a few years"
See, that wasn't so hard. She may feel her right one is gone, but she knows there are more of you out there so she won't feel as if your the last guy for her.

"I think you are awesome, smart, and we have fun together, but I just got out of a long term relationship and I need to get my head together before I dive into something serious again."

Never rebound so fast, it isn't fair to either, but stay friends, stay in touch, see what happens. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

I'm sure you see what I mean by being honest. I know, easier said than done, but nobody wants to be lied to. Or told one thing and led to believe another. So give it a try, see what happens, you never know, the outcome could be better than you expected. I just observe and write, that's what I do.


Love & Relationships

What attracted you to the one you love, and what traits are important to you for relationship?

The famous question, can men and women just be friends?


So it's been a day since I blogged about my goal for this week.

Let me point out by saying how hard it is to turn things around. I like a challenge because it allows me to think outside t eh box, and lets me be creative and to see a world outside of my own. Often times we keep ourselves locked in a room, (Yes I used to and thats where I get my peace and quiet) and I would do what I have to do. I live behind a computer because that is where I get to write without making mistakes. Computer is where my life is. I don't intentionally live behind a computer it just lets me pour my heart out and I do not get criticized for my thoughts. I'm a quiet/loud person. Lately I've been loud via the internet, but not so much in person. Just a random note to throw out there: I have never felt more liberated. Blogging has let me say things that I don't get to say all the time because I do not see people enough to say them. And timing is everything. I can't just say something for no reason. There has to be a reason to make a statement.

I also want to do a shout out to the guys soccer team. We love you and we know you work hard to win games, last night's loss was unfortunate, but you guys are still a team full of great potential. :)

And to the girls that played last wkd, we have worked so hard the past few months to get where we are, we have fun, but it is also hard to keep smiling when we lose every game. Though we got our first point by getting a tied game, we know that it means we can keep the ball out of our net too. Go Defence :) We won't give up, it's only year one, and no matter what people say about us behind our backs or to our face, we know that we have formed a strong friendship, and a community. I am grateful for those that have taken time out to help us when we practice, offer advice during half time, and are able to coach us. It takes effort, energy, and a lot of patience, and for that we say thank you. We would not be where we are without the support teams. I know our season isn't over, but I wanted to say thanks.

Okay, I'll update you gusy later...I have some things to get off my chest but will wait until I get home!
