Saturday, August 27, 2011

Undecisive Conclusion

Love is full of emotions, feelings, actions, thoughts and of course, words that are often hard to find.
But we manage to find them because they are important to us, and we know that love is so precious and hard to find, that once we do find it, we have to fight so hard not to lose it.

Love makes a person go crazy. I have seen it first hand, but love can also make a person lose her mind being in love with someone that will do anything to make her happy. Why be unhappy when you can laugh and smile all day? We want a type of love that will get us through the tough times. When he forgets to pay a bill because of work, or he left his laundry all over the living room and you are tired of 'waiting" for him to pick it up...We all know that women and men are TWO  different creatures, yet we, women want men to act like we do. "NOT GONNA HAPPEN" Just ask the expert, Steve Harvey. Don't really ask him he only knows what he has gone through. He has heard the stories of what others go through and based on what his past has been like he shares how to deal with it, he is only an expert on what he has gone through.

Anyway, love does not abuse, misuse or make one feel like less of a person, would you consider that love?

God states in 1 Corinthian that love is patient, love is kind, it does not boast, it is not proud, it has no records of wrongs, and holds no grudge. Now, we all know its hard to do and be either of these, but when we present or act upon the rules  God has laid out, it is not that hard to find love or be loved, it is about maintaining what you have and working with it because you made a promise in front of people and God swearing you would obey. So you have to obey. Being in  relationship will make you wonder, "Why did I pick this person? He has stopped showing me kindness, like when we first met, he stopped telling me he loves me, and we speak less." He will only know how you feel once you tell him. NEVER assume he knows how you feel just because he is supposed to know you. It does not work that way. Not that I have seen. has made us go nuts and also made us so insane we want to declare it on  FB, (Not a fan of PDA, as long as he/she knows that's what matters) We need to stop looking for approval from the public and only worry about in front of us.

So, will YOUR love make it or did you fall for the wrong reasons? It is okay to confess, it's good for the soul, but confess to the one that counts, the opinion that matters. Only God can judge you..


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